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2025-2026 Kinder Registration Event

March 27th 5:00-7:00pm Join us to: Experience our Heritage Night! Meet the School Staff! Shop the Book Fair! Receive assistance with registration


Weddington Hills Elementary celebrates Women's History Month!


February Wildcat Way Award Winners

Congratulations to our Wildcat Way Award Winners for February who were selected by their peers at our monthly staff meeting! Ms. McClamrock, 3rd Grade Teacher Ms. Scott, MCL 3-5 Reading Ms. Collins, ML Teacher Ms. White, Social Worker The Wildcat Way Award is presented to staff members who have been recognized by their colleagues for consistently demonstrating exceptional dedication, commitment to fostering a culture of excellence, and inspiring students to reach their full potential!


WHES Beginning Teacher of the Year

? Join us in celebrating Ms. Lotfy for being recognized as our Beginning Teacher of the Year! ?? She is an incredible kindergarten teacher who fosters a love of music ?, culture ?, play ?, and learning ? in her classroom. We are so grateful to have her as part of our Wildcat family! ?


Wildcat Way Award Winners - January

Congratulations to our Wildcat Way Award Winners for January who were selected by their peers at our monthly staff meeting! Mrs. Kelly, 4th Grade Teacher Mrs. Dickerson, Structured Learning Teacher Ms. Kinzer, Teacher Assistant Ms. Amanda, SNP Cafeteria The Wildcat Way Award is presented to staff members who have been recognized by their colleagues for consistently demonstrating exceptional dedication, commitment to fostering a culture of excellence, and inspiring students to reach their full potential!


Save the Date

January 30-February 1: Moana February 4: Report Cards February 10-14: Love the Bus Week February 11: Math Night (Target Afton) February 14: NO SCHOOL: Teacher Work Day February 17: NO SCHOOL: Teacher Work Day February 17-21: Student Appreciation Week February 21: Club Day February 26: 4th/5th Grade Arts Council Field Trip February 28: Letterland Parade


Weddington Hills Teacher of the Year

It is with great Wildcat pride that we announce our Teacher of the Year is none other than our fabulous music teacher, Ms. Roberts!


Wildcat Way Award Winners - November

Ms. Dee, Cafeteria Ms. Lovell, Speech Pathologist Ms. Gibson, Kindergarten Teacher Ms. Knollmeyer, Structured Learning TA The Wildcat Way Award is presented to staff members who have been recognized by their colleagues for consistently demonstrating exceptional dedication, commitment to fostering a culture of excellence, and inspiring students to reach their full potential


District Young Author Winners

WHES has two Young Author winners at the district level. These winners will move on to the state judging round in January: Lakshitha in 3rd Grade Amelia in 4th Grade Congratulations to Lakshitha and Amelia!


Wildcat Way Award Winners

October - Mr. Matt, Ms. Lotfy, Ms. Deanna, Mr. Matt The Wildcat Way Award is presented to staff members who have been recognized by their colleagues for consistently demonstrating exceptional dedication, commitment to fostering a culture of excellence, and inspiring students to reach their full potential


Wildcat Way Award Winners

Mrs. Turner, Mrs. King, Mr. Suarez, Mr. Rivero The Wildcat Way Award is presented to staff members who have been recognized by their colleagues for consistently demonstrating exceptional dedication, commitment to fostering a culture of excellence, and inspiring students to reach their full potential


Lunch Visitors

Link to Calendar for Lunch Visitors Here:

Learn More

School Information

Principal: Annessia Lee 

Assistant Principal: Cathryn Morse 

Assistant Principal: Casey Campbell

Assistant Principal: Kaylee Price

School Hours: 8:15am-3:00 pm Latest Check Out: 2:30 pm
Address: 4401 Weddington Rd., Concord, North Carolina 28027
Phone: 704-260-6350
Fax: 704-260-6369

 School Logo

New & Noteworthy


Click below for ParentSquare information and tutorials. 

Edulog Bus App

Click below to learn about the Edulog Bus app.  


Back to School

Click below for back-to-school information. 


24-25 WHES School Supply List

Weddington Hills Elementary School 2024-25 Supply List

Parent Newsletters

📣 Stay Connected with The Wildcat Word! 🌐 This is our monthly newsletter from Principal Lee. 

February Edition:

January Edition:

December Edition:

November Edition:

October Edition:


Absence Request

Good attendance is critical for student success at WHES. All absences will be coded unexcused unless an email or a written note from the parent/guardian is received. State law allows absences to be excused for the following reasons: Illness or Injury, Death in the Immediate Family, Medical or Dental Appointments, Court or Administrative Proceedings, Religious Observance and Educational Opportunity. For Educational Opportunity absences, your request must be submitted for consideration five (5) days prior to the absence. Please contact your teacher or our front office for the Educational Opportunity form. All other absences are coded as unlawful. Absences for personal trips are not excused according to state guidelines. In order to be considered in attendance, a student must be present at least one-half of the school day. At the elementary level more than ten (10) absences a semester or  twenty (20) absences a year are considered excessive. If illness is given as the primary reason for non-attendance, the principal (at her discretion) may request a physician’s documentation.

If you have any questions, please contact our Data Manager, at

Absence Excuse Form

Wildcat News

February 27, 2025

BOE to meet Monday

The Cabarrus County Board of Education will meet on Monday, March 3rd for a combined work session and business meeting. The meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. with a closed session following open session. . .

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Principal’s Message

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