WHES Remote Learning Plan
*Please Note: In the event that a remote learning day is called, students will participate in asynchronous instruction. Asynchronous instruction means that students will complete lessons and assignments on their own schedule, rather than in real-time with a teacher. While there will be no live class sessions, all assignments and materials will be provided, and students are expected to work independently to complete the tasks for the day.
If you experience any connectivity issues or difficulties with completing the work, please remember students have up to five (5) days to submit their assignments upon returning to school. We appreciate your understanding and flexibility with remote learning. If you have any further questions, please contact your child’s teacher via ParentSquare.
Digital Copy:
You can also find a digital copy of our plan here.
Printed Copy:
You can find a hard copy printed in your child’s folder.
Choose one activity from each content area below for each day of remote learning:
- Choose a book from home.
- Read it with an adult. Draw a picture of the characters and setting.
- Draw a picture of your room and the things in your room. Label the items in your picture using your sounding out skills.
- Draw a picture of your room and the things in your room. Label the items in your picture using your sounding out skills.
- Search for 2D and 3D shapes around your house. Draw them on a paper.
- Count all the windows in your house. Count all the door in your house. Write down the numbers.
- Compare- which is more? Which is less?
- Put away your toys and clothes by sorting them into categories. (pants go here but shirts go there; legos go here but dolls go there)
Animal Inquiry
- What is your favorite animal? How does it move? Draw a picture of the animal.
Animal Differences Inquiry
- Write about ways that birds and fish are different.
A bird _, but a fish _
Living and Non-Living Things
- Watch your favorite TV show or read your favorite book. List 3 things that were living and 3 things that were non-living.
Choose one activity from each content area below for each day of remote learning:
- Choose a book from home. Read it with an adult. Write a sentence to describe the problem in the story. Write a sentence to describe the solution.
- Read your words two times.
- Write a sentence using two of your words. (You may use your weekly Letterland words, sight words, or Rainbow words.)
- Find a group of objects (legos, pennies, beans, etc.) Put your objects in groups of tens and leftover ones. Count and write the total. Show your thinking on a piece of paper.
- Solve the following equations:
8+3+5= 8-6=
3+6= _+3
- Determine if each equation is true or false
5+5=9 2+8=4+6
8+3=7+7 10=5+6
13-8=5+2 12-6=2+4
Be sure to show your work.
- Write a small moment story about something that has happened to you. Include a beginning, middle, and end.
Ramp Inquiry
- Find something that rolls at your house such as a car or ball. Make different ramps and place your object at the top to make it roll down. What will make it roll faster? What will make it roll slow? Try different things and see what you can get to work.
Motion Inquiry
- Motion means movement. Write or draw all of the different ways you can think of that you can move.
Forces Inquiry
- Force comes in different amounts. You can use a lot of force, you can use a little force. What items around the house do you think would take a little bit of force to move? What items around the house do you think take more force to move?
Choose one activity from each content area below for each day of remote learning:
- Choose a book from home. Practice reading your book to someone at home. Draw a picture of your favorite character. List 5 inside traits and 5 outside traits of your character.
- Draw a colorful map of your bedroom. Describe 5 of your favorite things in your room. (Make sure to use SWAG on your sentences)
- Would you rather: Speak to animals or speak 4 languages. Illustrate your opinion and use SWAG as you give your answer.
- Write your own subtraction and addition word problems using the numbers 24 and 32. Use two different strategies to solve each word problem your write.
- Complete the pattern:
278, 288, _, _, _, _
Would 597 ever be in the pattern?
Why or why not?
Create your own pattern and complete.
- Solve the following problems using a strategy: decomposing, a numberline, or an HTO chart:
1.321+123= 3. 213+111=
2.412+312= 4.563+234=
Melting and Freezing Inquiry
- Create a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting melting and freezing.
States of Matter Inquiry
- Make a poster to show the difference between solids and liquids along with the changes they can undergo. Make sure to include different examples of solids and liquids on your poster.
Dissolving Inquiry
- When you dissolve something it becomes part of a liquid mix and you are unable to separate. Make a list of things that you can dissolve. Experiment with salt, sugar, and other items added to a cup of water.
Choose one activity from each content area below for each day of remote learning:
- Choose your favorite book and practice your reading skills. If you can, practice reading aloud to someone at home!
- Poetry: Create an acrostic poem using the letters of your name!
Example: CAT
- Fictional Writing: Pretend you are the main character. Write a diary entry reflecting on your actions and feelings that led or motivated you to respond as you did to a particular event in the story.
- Design a simple board game that helps practice addition or subtraction or multiplication or division.
- Draw a pizza with different toppings. Write the fractions for each topping.
- Quiz someone at home on their math facts!
Heat Transfer Inquiry
- You are a water molecule. Write a story of what your life is like as you experience conduction, convection and radiation. Why are these things happening? Use as many science terms as you can in your story. Write in English and/or Spanish.
Friction Inquiry
- What is friction? Rub your hands together and write about what you feel. Try to move objects on different surfaces at home (tile, carpet, concrete).
Ice Cube Inquiry
- You are an ice cube traveling to a country where the weather is very warm. You need to design a way to stay cool. Design and create a way to keep you from melting. Record your drawing, materials used and how long it took before you melted. Try it with other materials
Choose one activity from each content area below for each day of remote learning:
- Complete a chart of unknown words you come across in your text, the context clues that help you determine the meaning, and what you believe the meaning is based on the context.
- Create a comic strip depicting characters, setting, major events, problem, and solution. Be sure to provide dialogue and details depicting characters' thoughts, feelings, and actions.
- Select a book you would like others to read and write a persuasive book talk. Develop a hook that will grab your reader's attention Ex: quote from the book, ask a question, introduce the main character). Summarize the book by introducing the main character, identifying the problem, and leading the reader towards the solution - but not giving away the ending! Share your opinion about the book and whether you would recommend it. Close your book talk by leaving your readers wanting more (Ex: quote from the book, cliffhanger so they will want to read the book to find out what happens next).
- 50 is the answer. What could the equation be?
- Come up with 4 more equations. (Example:
35+15= 50)
- Make a list of 5 fractions- only tenths and hundredths. Now, write each of those fractions as a decimal. Then, put them in order from least to greatest.
- Lara's garden is 3 feet long. The width is 4 times as wide as it is long. What is the area and perimeter of Lara's garden?
Animal Species Inquiry
- You are a zoologist who has just discovered a new animal species. Design a fact sheet or brochure highlighting your discovery. Be sure to include: name of animal, habitat, animals' needs and an illustration of your animal in its habitat.
Animal Survival Inquiry
- Write a short story about an animal of your choice that is worried about survival because the animal has lost some of its physical and behavioral characteristics that help it adapt to his environment.
Survival Inquiry
- Imagine you have to live one day without modern conveniences (electricity, indoor plumbing, and grocery stores). Plan out how you will survive without these conveniences. Journal about your predictions and experiences. Reflect on what you have learned.
Choose one activity from each content area below for each day of remote learning:
- Find a nonfiction/informational text of your choice, take notes as you are reading it using the 5W (who, what, when, where, why) and H (How) questions, and then write a concise summary of the text.
- Find a fiction story to read. Create a Plot Mountain Diagram to show the elements of plot. (Introduction, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action Resolution)
- Create a comic strip. Be sure to include narration, provide dialogue, and images that illustrate the story. Your story and characters should be based on a historical period that we have studied this year: American Revolution, Westward Expansion, and The Industrial Revolution.
- Celia has 3 ice-cream cakes. She wants to split it equally among 2 people. How much of the cake will each person get? Sketch a model to match the number story. Create 3 fractions as division word problems.
1. ½÷7 2. 6÷⅔
3. 4÷8. 4. 12÷½
- Adam bought 4.8 Ibs of cherry and lime jelly beans for his birthday party. If 2.3lbs were cherry flavor, how many pounds were lime flavor? Create a 3 subtracting decimals word problem?
1) 12.3+2.2 2) 11.2-3.45
3) .76-:04
- Jeffery has ½ of a pie left from his family dinner. He cut it into 3 slices and took a piece to school for his lunch. How much of the pie did Jeffery take for lunch? Create 3 multiplying fractions word problems
1. ⅔x⅘ 2. 12¾x %
3. 9½x 5¾ 4. ⅚ x 2 ¾
Friction Inquiry
- Create a T- chart that lists examples of when you want to increase the amount of friction and when you want to decrease it. Think of things in your house! Do you want things to stick on pans? Do you want to be able to grip the ground when you run? List at least 5 examples of each.
Line Graph Inquiry
- Create a distance/time line graph of your own. Be sure to label the x-axis, y-axis, title, and intervals. Write a short, creative story to match the motion represented on the graph.
(Un)Balanced Forces Inquiry
- Look around your house and make observations of forces at work! Make a T-chart list of balanced and unbalanced forces at work. List as many (at least five on each side) examples for each.
Choose one activity from each content area below for each day of remote learning:
- Fire Drill! Talk with your child about what you would do incase of a fire. Have a fire drill and plan a safe meeting spot outside.
- Engage with your child in a turn taking game or activity. Snap a picture and send it to the teacher on ParentSquare.
- Read a book!
- Unique Learning Activity *Use QR Code to Log in
- www.abcya.com: Let your child pick a game or subject of interest.
- www.starfall.com: Choose your child’s grade level and let them pick an activity
Choose two Encore activities to complete each day of remote learning:
Digital Engineering:
- Teach someone at your house how to follow coding steps. Give them directions to get from one place to another.
- Go on a technology scavenger hunt in your home. What kinds of technology can you find? Make a list.
- Design and build your own robot using things around your house.
- Challenge your sibling or parent to a 1-minute wall sit.
- Challenge a sibling to see who can do the most jumping jacks in one minute.
- Design your own indoor or outdoor obstacle course using things around your house. Make safe choices!
- Draw a portrait of a family member or pet. Observe them carefully first, noticing details about them. Use pencil and add color with markers, crayons or colored pencils. Add a background.
- Use recycled items (cardboard tubes, used tissue paper, buttons, yarn, etc. from around the house to build a 3D sculpture that represents an emotion.
- Take a walk outside and find objects from nature to draw, or make rubbings or prints with. Write a story about the nature obiects coming to life.
- Teach a song from music class to someone at home or sing it to some stuffed animals
- Use found sound objects (pencils, buckets, keys, etc.) and play a beat/rhythm to a song
- Listen to a song and draw a picture of how it makes you feel
- Play a board game or outside game with someone. Count how many of the SEL tools you use during the game. Use the "Taking Time" tool when you do your school work for the day.
- Think about how much better you do when you take your time. Write a sentence about how you took your time.
- Show someone how to do your favorite yoga pose and have them try it with you. Draw a picture of you doing that pose.
- Find toys in your house to create a tropical forest and label them in Spanish
- Think of the different countries we have visited in class (Mexico, Colombia, España, Costa Rica) and make a poster about the things you like about it.
- Go around the house and collect all those things that you do not use that can be recycled and donated to those who need them. Make the list of what you found in Spanish.
- Read a book or story about winter on Epic. Make a list of everything you would need if you had to survive in the cold mountains alone. Draw a picture of your perfect cozy home during winter.
- Make a "home library” and organize all your favorite books into "Fiction" and "Nonfiction".
- Decide what kind of book you like to read better; fiction or nonfiction. Write 3 sentences about why you chose what you did.
- Make a reading goal for the New Year. Draw a picture of you accomplishing your reading goal
- Walk around your house, name as many colors in spanish as you can, take out the crayons or colors from your pencil case, count them and practice the numbers from 1 to 50.
- Go to the kitchen and look around the food you see around then draw and write in spanish the food you like and the food that you do not like.
- Draw and write in Spanish 2 favorite aquatic animals and 2 favorite domestic animals